
This content was last updated Sept. 30, 2023, 12:39 a.m. UTC

Moms For Liberty

Moms for Liberty (M4L) is an anti-government and anti-LGBTQ+  activist organization classified as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. The group is …

Jennifer Lahl

Jennifer Lahl is an activist and documentarian based in Pleasant Hill, California. For much of her filmmaking career, Lahl has focused on the subject of …

John Ketcham

John Ketcham is the American director of state and local policy for the conservative think tank Manhattan Institute for Policy Research. He has frequently published …

Abigail Shrier

Abigail Shrier is a conservative activist, attorney, writer, and contributor to Bari Weiss’ Free Press based in Los Angeles, CA. She is best known as …

Prisha Mosley

Prisha Mosley is an political detransitioner activist living in Michigan who has been used as a spokesperson for the restriction of gender-affirming care for trans …

Jesse Singal

Jesse Singal is an American journalist and podcaster, most known for a 2018 article about detransitioners in The Atlantic which was heavily criticized by prominent …

Billy Burleigh

Billy Burleigh is an anti-trans activist in Lompoc, California, known for having struggled with his gender identity for large periods of his life. His testimony …

Walt Heyer

Walt Heyer is California-born Christian detransition activist, one of a very small number of detransitioned people who politically oppose transgender rights. Heyer originally transitioned in …

Jamie Reed

Jamie Reed is a former employee of the Washington University Transgender Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital. She is most known for making unsubstantiated allegations …

David Arthur Kendall

David Arthur Kendall is an anti-LGBTQ+ activist and convicted sex offender in Hancock, Maine. As an activist, Kendall’s life story of hardship and struggles with …

Katie Herzog

Katie Herzog is an American journalist and podcaster, a former staff writer for Seattle newspaper The Stranger and the co-host of internet drama podcast Blocked …

Abel Garcia

Abel Garcia is an anti-trans activist in Texas, known for his vocal opposition to gender-affirming care for minors after his struggles with his gender identity. …


4th Wave Now (stylized 4thWaveNow) began as an anti-trans blog in the radical feminist tradition and became an anti-trans community website. Focusing on the supposed …

Do No Harm

Do No Harm (DNH) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization created by Stanley Goldfarb and incorporated in Virginia. Originally founded to oppose diversity initiatives in the …

Keira Bell

Keira Bell is British anti-trans activist, known primarily for her involvement in a 2020 UK court case pertaining to the prescription of hormone blockers to …

Kelsey Bolar

Kelsey Bolar, formerly known by her maiden name Kelsey Harkness, is a conservative journalist and political commentator. She currently works as the Director of Storytelling …


Genspect is a gender critical organization known for promoting anti-trans causes in many different countries’ legislative processes, and for spearheading or supporting many anti-trans projects …

Chris Beck

Chris Beck is an ex-Navy Seal, activist, and unsuccessful political candidate from Long Island, New York. Beck entered the public eye in the 2010s after …

Chloe Cole

Chloe Cole is the chosen name of Chloe Brockman, a California-born anti-trans activist who is notable for detransitioning before the age of eighteen. Her activism …

Laura Perry Smalts

Laura Perry Smalts is an anti-trans activist in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Smalts’ nearly decade-long struggle with her gender identity and conversion to Christianity have been …

Lisa Littman

Lisa Littman is a physician, researcher, and current President and Director of the Institute for Comprehensive Gender Dysphoria Research (ICGDR). She is also a former …

Advocates Protecting Children

Advocates Protecting Children (APC) is a Christian non-profit working to oppose “gender ideology” within institutions such as schools and churches. They share a variety of …

Lauren Adams Bone

Lauren Adams Bone, of Adams Bone Law and formerly with Jackson Bone Law, is a lawyer and especially anti-trans women’s rights activist. She has written …

Stephanie Winn

Stephanie Winn is a therapist and anti-trans activist in Portland, Oregon. Winn describes her approach to therapy as being limited to adults and parents, but …

Gender Exploratory Therapy Association

Gender Exploratory Therapy Association (GETA) is a non-profit organization that promotes gender exploratory therapy, an alternative to the affirming model of treatment that seeks to …

Society for Evidence Based Gender Medicine

The Society for Evidence Based Gender Medicine (SEGM) is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt political organization that promotes medical misinformation surrounding gender-affirming care. SEGM is considered a …

Independent Women's Forum

The Independent Women’s Forum (IWF) is 501(c)(3) nonprofit and conservative anti-transgender think tank who describe themselves as promoting “a conservative alternative to feminist tenets,” while …

Corinna Cohn

Corinna Cohn is a gender critical activist that considers herself to be “transsexual” based on the medical treatment she has received. Coming from a background …

Bigger Picture Conference

The Bigger Picture Conference and the Bigger Picture Continues were events hosted by Genspect, opposing gender affirming care and “gender ideology”. The original was hosted …

Soren Aldaco

Soren Aldaco is an American detransitioner who claims to have undergone serious medical harm as a result of her prior attempts at transitioning. She has …