About the Trans Data Library

Confusion and misinformation are dominating the narrative around transgender people's lives and the struggle for transgender rights.

Bogus experts with no credentials present themselves as credible medical authorities. Activists engaged in a campaign to harm the trans community present themselves as merely concerned citizens or parents. New groups pop up all the time, purporting to be grassroots, and turn out to have the same funders, the same leadership, as groups which were previously exposed as far-right astroturfing efforts.

The Trans Data Library’s team of trans journalists, led by Evan Urquhart, collects carefully sourced, factual information about the anti-trans political effort in real time, to help people understand who is shaping the conversation on trans issues and why. The Library is a project of Assigned Media, and serves the larger goal of providing the public with better sources of information around trans issues.

The Trans Data Library partners with different individuals and organizations