William J. Malone

This content was last updated Jan. 30, 2024, 2:27 a.m. UTC

William J. Malone is an endocrinologist who is most known for being the founder of the anti-trans Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine (SEGM). He has worked with colleagues in the organization for years to oppose gender affirming care, especially in relation to minors.

He has also written various articles from an anti-trans perspective, and has collaborated with many notable figures from other anti-trans organizations, including those from the American College of Pediatricians. He has cited the works of Ray Blanchard in the form of autogynephilia, along with rapid-onset gender dysphoria.

What is occurring is an unregulated experiment on children, and frequently clinics are not even properly collecting long-term outcomes.

Malone, for MedScape Medical News, November 18, 2021

Education and Credentials

Malone has Bachelor of Arts degree in human biology from Stanford University and a medical degree from New York University’s Grossman School of Medicine. He completed his residency in internal medicine at the University of Southern California/LACUSC Medical Center, with a fellowship in endocrinology, diabetes, and metabolism following that.

In his private practice, he serves as the medical director for the Endocrinology and Diabetes Clinic in Twin Falls, Idaho.

Institutional and Ideological Affiliations

Malone is most notable for co-founding and maintaining the anti-trans organization Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine. SEGM is known for opposing transgender healthcare, particularly in the realm of gender affirming care for minors. Malone in particular has gone as far as bringing about meetings with US government officials concerning his issues with gender affirming care. In legal documents, he serves as the secretary of the organization.

Malone also serves on the advisory board for the anti-trans organization Re-think Identity Medicine Ethics (ReIME).

Core Activism

The bulk of Malone’s work has been in his efforts to promote and further SEGM. He founded this organization because he disliked the supposed lack of open debate about gender affirming care that was seen at an endocrinologist’s conference.

It has recently been revealed by journalist Erin Reed that Malone was a part of a fundamentalist Christian anti-trans email group which, according to Mother Jones, has been instrumental in pushing anti-trans laws across the United States. The formation of SEGM was initially revealed to other participants in the email chain, and it included several other participants in the organization.

Malone has done some independent work utilizing his medical credentials. He released the Gender Dysphoria Resource for Providers on the Coalition Against Unsafe Sexual Education website. This resource aims to teach about “the harm caused by gender affirmation therapy,” referencing concepts like autogynephilia and rapid-onset gender dysphoria. In this resource, he cites anti-vaccine activist Carl Heneghan, and an anti-trans propaganda website.

Malone has worked with other prominent anti-trans organizations. He appeared as a special guest on the Gender: A Wider Lens podcast hosted by Stella O’ Malley and Sasha Ayad to discuss the supposed harms associated with youth being able to transition.

He has appeared as an expert guest in the anti-trans documentary No Way Back: The Reality of Gender Affirming Care.

He has appeared in the printed news media to represent a contrarian opinion to the medical consensus on gender affirming care. This includes outlets like Medscape, where he laments the supposed lack of scientific foundation for the science of gender affirming care, and on PBS, where he speaks with disapproval about gender affirming care for minors.

Malone has also written an article for the anti-trans website 4th Wave Now in collaboration with Colin Wright. This article advocates for inherent biological differences between the sexes in personality, but then goes on to suggest that deviations from the norm for these differences can’t be equated to a different biological sex.

He has written a letter to the editor in collaboration with Paul Hruz and other colleagues to oppose a scientific article that advocates for gender affirming care and its safety. This article has been responded to by the original study authors.

Malone has worked with Hruz again in a separate letter to the editor, this time in conjunction with the president of the American College of Pediatricians. This article similarly advocated against gender affirming care, pushing strongly against the endocrinology treatment guidelines for transgender folk.

Court or Legislative Appearances

Malone appeared in court as expert testimony on the subject of Idaho’s House Bill 675. While he claims he was not speaking for or against the bill, he nonetheless spoke of the supposed harms of gender transitioning for minors and the “ideological corruption” of mainstream medical associations that support gender affirming care.

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[('Place', 'Twin Falls'), ('DefinedTerm', 'gender-affirming care'), ('DefinedTerm', 'podcasting'), ('DefinedTerm', 'expert witness'), ('DefinedTerm', 'legislative testimony'), ('DefinedTerm', 'medical care'), ('DefinedTerm', 'autogynephilia'), ('DefinedTerm', 'Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria'), ('DefinedTerm', 'publishing')]